motor balap for modifikasi motor Drag race yamaha rx-z . the yamaha motorcycle product the variant of yamaha rx king. with extreme motor treatment modify.
for a dragrace event the body change tobe more thin, so can increase the motor speed.
Gambar modifikasi yamaha RX-Z surabaya. with red paint airbrush make the motor more extreme and show the strong power.

for a dragrace event the body change tobe more thin, so can increase the motor speed.
modifikasi motor rxz drag extreme
agt spd
4 komentar
Motor yang Keren Brader...
ReplySukses selalu dengan Otomotifnya...
moga sukses selalu man . . . .n motornya keren eeuuuyyyy
Replyboleh saya pinjam gan
Replymotor nya saya pinjam boleh gan